Reads up to <code>b.length</code> bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes. This method blocks until some input is available. <p> This method simply performs the call <code>read(b, 0, b.length)</code> and returns the result. It is important that it does <i>not</i> do <code></code> instead; certain subclasses of <code>FilterInputStream</code> depend on the implementation strategy actually used.

@param b the buffer into which the data is read. @return the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or <code>-1</code> if there is no more data because the end of the stream has been reached. @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs. @see[], int, int)

  1. int read()
  2. int read(byte[] b)
    class FilterInputStream
    byte[] b
  3. int read(byte[] b, int off, int len)
