
Returns a string representation of the first argument as an unsigned integer value in the radix specified by the second argument.

<p>If the radix is smaller than {@code Character.MIN_RADIX} or larger than {@code Character.MAX_RADIX}, then the radix {@code 10} is used instead.

<p>Note that since the first argument is treated as an unsigned value, no leading sign character is printed.

<p>If the magnitude is zero, it is represented by a single zero character {@code '0'} ({@code '\u005Cu0030'}); otherwise, the first character of the representation of the magnitude will not be the zero character.

<p>The behavior of radixes and the characters used as digits are the same as {@link #toString(long, int) toString}.

@param i an integer to be converted to an unsigned string. @param radix the radix to use in the string representation. @return an unsigned string representation of the argument in the specified radix. @see #toString(long, int)

class Long
long i
int radix
