
Returns a <code>Locale</code> constructed from the given <code>language</code>, <code>country</code> and <code>variant</code>. If the same <code>Locale</code> instance is available in the cache, then that instance is returned. Otherwise, a new <code>Locale</code> instance is created and cached.

@param language lowercase 2 to 8 language code. @param country uppercase two-letter ISO-3166 code and numeric-3 UN M.49 area code. @param variant vendor and browser specific code. See class description. @return the <code>Locale</code> instance requested @exception NullPointerException if any argument is null.

  1. Locale getInstance(string language, string country, string variant)
    class Locale
    string language
    string country
    string variant
  2. Locale getInstance(string language, string script, string country, string variant)
