
Returns a new CompletionStage that is completed normally with the same value as this CompletableFuture when it completes normally, and cannot be independently completed or otherwise used in ways not defined by the methods of interface {@link CompletionStage}. If this CompletableFuture completes exceptionally, then the returned CompletionStage completes exceptionally with a CompletionException with this exception as cause.

<p>Unless overridden by a subclass, a new non-minimal CompletableFuture with all methods available can be obtained from a minimal CompletionStage via {@link #toCompletableFuture()}. For example, completion of a minimal stage can be awaited by

<pre> {@code minimalStage.toCompletableFuture().join(); }</pre>

@return the new CompletionStage

class CompletableFuture(T)
