
Marks the current position in this input stream. A subsequent call to the <code>reset</code> method repositions this stream at the last marked position so that subsequent reads re-read the same bytes.

<p> The <code>readlimit</code> arguments tells this input stream to allow that many bytes to be read before the mark position gets invalidated.

<p> The general contract of <code>mark</code> is that, if the method <code>markSupported</code> returns <code>true</code>, the stream somehow remembers all the bytes read after the call to <code>mark</code> and stands ready to supply those same bytes again if and whenever the method <code>reset</code> is called. However, the stream is not required to remember any data at all if more than <code>readlimit</code> bytes are read from the stream before <code>reset</code> is called.

<p> Marking a closed stream should not have any effect on the stream.

<p> The <code>mark</code> method of <code>InputStream</code> does nothing.

@param readlimit the maximum limit of bytes that can be read before the mark position becomes invalid. @see

class InputStream
