1 /*
2  * Hunt - A refined core library for D programming language.
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 HuntLabs
5  *
6  * Website: https://www.huntlabs.net/
7  *
8  * Licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.
9  *
10  */
12 module hunt.text.CharacterData.CharacterData;
14 abstract class CharacterData {
15     abstract int getProperties(int ch);
16     abstract int getType(int ch);
17     abstract bool isWhitespace(int ch);
18     abstract bool isMirrored(int ch);
19     abstract bool isJavaIdentifierStart(int ch);
20     abstract bool isJavaIdentifierPart(int ch);
21     abstract bool isUnicodeIdentifierStart(int ch);
22     abstract bool isUnicodeIdentifierPart(int ch);
23     abstract bool isIdentifierIgnorable(int ch);
24     abstract int toLowerCase(int ch);
25     abstract int toUpperCase(int ch);
26     abstract int toTitleCase(int ch);
27     abstract int digit(int ch, int radix);
28     abstract int getNumericValue(int ch);
29     abstract byte getDirectionality(int ch);
31     //need to implement for JSR204
32     int toUpperCaseEx(int ch) {
33         return toUpperCase(ch);
34     }
36     char[] toUpperCaseCharArray(int ch) {
37         return null;
38     }
40     bool isOtherLowercase(int ch) {
41         return false;
42     }
44     bool isOtherUppercase(int ch) {
45         return false;
46     }
48     bool isOtherAlphabetic(int ch) {
49         return false;
50     }
52     bool isIdeographic(int ch) {
53         return false;
54     }
56     // Character <= 0xff (basic latin) is handled by internal fast-path
57     // to avoid initializing large tables.
58     // Note: performance of this "fast-path" code may be sub-optimal
59     // in negative cases for some accessors due to complicated ranges.
60     // Should revisit after optimization of table initialization.
62     // static final CharacterData of(int ch) {
63     //     if (ch >>> 8 == 0) {     // fast-path
64     //         return CharacterDataLatin1.instance;
65     //     } else {
66     //         switch(ch >>> 16) {  //plane 00-16
67     //         case(0):
68     //             return CharacterData00.instance;
69     //         case(1):
70     //             return CharacterData01.instance;
71     //         case(2):
72     //             return CharacterData02.instance;
73     //         case(14):
74     //             return CharacterData0E.instance;
75     //         case(15):   // Private Use
76     //         case(16):   // Private Use
77     //             return CharacterDataPrivateUse.instance;
78     //         default:
79     //             return CharacterDataUndefined.instance;
80     //         }
81     //     }
82     // }
83 }