1 /*
2  * Hunt - A refined core library for D programming language.
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 HuntLabs
5  *
6  * Website: https://www.huntlabs.net/
7  *
8  * Licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.
9  *
10  */
12 module hunt.text.CharacterData;
15 public import hunt.Char;
16 public import hunt.text.CharacterData.CharacterData;
17 public import hunt.text.CharacterData.CharacterDataLatin1;
20 /**
21 */
22 class CharacterHelper {
23     static CharacterData getCharacterData(int ch) {
24         if (ch >>> 8 == 0) {     // fast-path
25             return CharacterDataLatin1.instance;
26         } else {
27             throw new Exception("Unimplemented");
28             // switch(ch >>> 16) {  //plane 00-16
29             // case(0):
30             //     return CharacterData00.instance;
31             // case(1):
32             //     return CharacterData01.instance;
33             // case(2):
34             //     return CharacterData02.instance;
35             // case(14):
36             //     return CharacterData0E.instance;
37             // case(15):   // Private Use
38             // case(16):   // Private Use
39             //     return CharacterDataPrivateUse.instance;
40             // default:
41             //     return CharacterDataUndefined.instance;
42             // }
43         }
44     }
47     /**
48      * Returns the numeric value of the character {@code ch} in the
49      * specified radix.
50      * <p>
51      * If the radix is not in the range {@code MIN_RADIX} &le;
52      * {@code radix} &le; {@code MAX_RADIX} or if the
53      * value of {@code ch} is not a valid digit in the specified
54      * radix, {@code -1} is returned. A character is a valid digit
55      * if at least one of the following is true:
56      * <ul>
57      * <li>The method {@code isDigit} is {@code true} of the character
58      *     and the Unicode decimal digit value of the character (or its
59      *     single-character decomposition) is less than the specified radix.
60      *     In this case the decimal digit value is returned.
61      * <li>The character is one of the uppercase Latin letters
62      *     {@code 'A'} through {@code 'Z'} and its code is less than
63      *     {@code radix + 'A' - 10}.
64      *     In this case, {@code ch - 'A' + 10}
65      *     is returned.
66      * <li>The character is one of the lowercase Latin letters
67      *     {@code 'a'} through {@code 'z'} and its code is less than
68      *     {@code radix + 'a' - 10}.
69      *     In this case, {@code ch - 'a' + 10}
70      *     is returned.
71      * <li>The character is one of the fullwidth uppercase Latin letters A
72      *     ({@code '\u005CuFF21'}) through Z ({@code '\u005CuFF3A'})
73      *     and its code is less than
74      *     {@code radix + '\u005CuFF21' - 10}.
75      *     In this case, {@code ch - '\u005CuFF21' + 10}
76      *     is returned.
77      * <li>The character is one of the fullwidth lowercase Latin letters a
78      *     ({@code '\u005CuFF41'}) through z ({@code '\u005CuFF5A'})
79      *     and its code is less than
80      *     {@code radix + '\u005CuFF41' - 10}.
81      *     In this case, {@code ch - '\u005CuFF41' + 10}
82      *     is returned.
83      * </ul>
84      *
85      * <p><b>Note:</b> This method cannot handle <a
86      * href="#supplementary"> supplementary characters</a>. To support
87      * all Unicode characters, including supplementary characters, use
88      * the {@link #digit(int, int)} method.
89      *
90      * @param   ch      the character to be converted.
91      * @param   radix   the radix.
92      * @return  the numeric value represented by the character in the
93      *          specified radix.
94      * @see     Character#forDigit(int, int)
95      * @see     Character#isDigit(char)
96      */
97     static int digit(char ch, int radix) {
98         return digit(cast(int)ch, radix);
99     }
102     static int digit(int codePoint, int radix) {
103         return getCharacterData(codePoint).digit(codePoint, radix);
104     }
105 }