Writes two bytes to the output
stream to represent the value of the argument.
The byte values to be written, in the order
shown, are:
(byte)(0xff & (v >> 8))
(byte)(0xff & v)
}</pre> <p>
The bytes written by this method may be
read by the <code>readShort</code> method
of interface <code>DataInput</code> , which
will then return a <code>short</code> equal
to <code>(short)v</code>.
@param v the <code>short</code> value to be written.
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
Writes two bytes to the output stream to represent the value of the argument. The byte values to be written, in the order shown, are: <pre>{@code (byte)(0xff & (v >> 8)) (byte)(0xff & v) }</pre> <p> The bytes written by this method may be read by the <code>readShort</code> method of interface <code>DataInput</code> , which will then return a <code>short</code> equal to <code>(short)v</code>.
@param v the <code>short</code> value to be written. @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.