
Writes two bytes of length information to the output stream, followed by the <a href="DataInput.html#modified-utf-8">modified UTF-8</a> representation of every character in the string <code>s</code>. If <code>s</code> is <code>null</code>, a <code>NullPointerException</code> is thrown. Each character in the string <code>s</code> is converted to a group of one, two, or three bytes, depending on the value of the character.<p> If a character <code>c</code> is in the range <code>&#92;u0001</code> through <code>&#92;u007f</code>, it is represented by one byte: <pre>(byte)c </pre> <p> If a character <code>c</code> is <code>&#92;u0000</code> or is in the range <code>&#92;u0080</code> through <code>&#92;u07ff</code>, then it is represented by two bytes, to be written in the order shown: <pre>{@code (byte)(0xc0 | (0x1f & (c >> 6))) (byte)(0x80 | (0x3f & c)) }</pre> <p> If a character <code>c</code> is in the range <code>&#92;u0800</code> through <code>uffff</code>, then it is represented by three bytes, to be written in the order shown: <pre>{@code (byte)(0xe0 | (0x0f & (c >> 12))) (byte)(0x80 | (0x3f & (c >> 6))) (byte)(0x80 | (0x3f & c)) }</pre> <p> First, the total number of bytes needed to represent all the characters of <code>s</code> is calculated. If this number is larger than <code>65535</code>, then a <code>UTFDataFormatException</code> is thrown. Otherwise, this length is written to the output stream in exactly the manner of the <code>writeShort</code> method; after this, the one-, two-, or three-byte representation of each character in the string <code>s</code> is written.<p> The bytes written by this method may be read by the <code>readUTF</code> method of interface <code>DataInput</code> , which will then return a <code>string</code> equal to <code>s</code>.

@param s the string value to be written. @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.

interface DataOutput
string s
