
Returns a new CompletableFuture that is completed when all of the given CompletableFutures complete. If any of the given CompletableFutures complete exceptionally, then the returned CompletableFuture also does so, with a CompletionException holding this exception as its cause. Otherwise, the results, if any, of the given CompletableFutures are not reflected in the returned CompletableFuture, but may be obtained by inspecting them individually. If no CompletableFutures are provided, returns a CompletableFuture completed with the value {@code null}.

<p>Among the applications of this method is to await completion of a set of independent CompletableFutures before continuing a program, as in: {@code CompletableFuture.allOf(c1, c2, c3).join();}.

@param cfs the CompletableFutures @return a new CompletableFuture that is completed when all of the given CompletableFutures complete @throws NullPointerException if the array or any of its elements are {@code null}
