Returns a new CompletableFuture that is completed when any of
the given CompletableFutures complete, with the same result.
Otherwise, if it completed exceptionally, the returned
CompletableFuture also does so, with a CompletionException
holding this exception as its cause. If no CompletableFutures
are provided, returns an incomplete CompletableFuture.
@param cfs the CompletableFutures
@return a new CompletableFuture that is completed with the
result or exception of any of the given CompletableFutures when
one completes
@throws NullPointerException if the array or any of its elements are
{@code null}
Returns a new CompletableFuture that is completed when any of the given CompletableFutures complete, with the same result. Otherwise, if it completed exceptionally, the returned CompletableFuture also does so, with a CompletionException holding this exception as its cause. If no CompletableFutures are provided, returns an incomplete CompletableFuture.
@param cfs the CompletableFutures @return a new CompletableFuture that is completed with the result or exception of any of the given CompletableFutures when one completes @throws NullPointerException if the array or any of its elements are {@code null}